Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011


Non-Provide Working Papers Participants
Also can take a part on this international seminar who interest in teaching Arabic without provide any papers, also expected to attend university lecturers, the directors and teachers of Ma’had, university students and many others around Malang City and its environs. 
Participation Cost
The seminar participants are charged with the following details:
1.        Internal participant      : IDR 250.000,00
2.        External participant     : $ 50,00
And the participants are entitled to get a seminar kit, snack and meal.

Housing Cost
The participants will be housed in Ma'had residence around State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang; cost on each night is IDR 125.000,00. And participants allowed to reserving a place outside the University by itself. 

Paid Subscription
Bank Name                 : BNI
Account Holder          : Uril Bahruddin
Account Number        : 0039516816

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